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美国德克萨斯A&M大学Virender Sharma教授学术讲座通知
更新时间:2019-06-18 17:07:50点击次数:

报告题目:Advances in Ferrate Technology: Elucidating Role of Activated Ferrate to Remove Organic Pollutants Rapidly

报告人:Virender K. Sharma

Program for the Environment and Sustainability, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University






Iron-based oxidants of tetra-oxy anions of high-valent iron, commonly called ferrates (FeVIO42-(FeVI), FeVO43-(FeV), and FeIVO44-(FeIV)) have demonstrated increasing interest in sustainable organic synthesis, green energy storage, and decontamination of a wide range of pollutants in water. In the last few years, we are interested in enhancing the oxidation capability of FeVIby tuning its chemistry by developing a strategy, based on fundamental chemistry of ferrates to oxidize pollutants very rapidly (30 seconds). Our approach involved intermediate species, FeVand FeIV, which could react with pollutants by 2-4 orders of magnitude faster than FeVI. The presentation will give examples of enhanced oxidation of various pollutants in 30 s. It will be shown that the addition of one-electron transfer reductant (sulfite (SO32-) and established oxygen-transfer reductants (hydroxylamine (NH2OH), arsenite (AsIII(OH)3), selenite (SeO32-), phosphite (PO33-), and nitrite (NO2-)) to FeVIcould oxidize pollutant rapidly. Addition of sulfite resulted in enhancement up to 100%. Comparatively, oxygen-atom transfer reductants yielded enhancement up to only 40%. Elucidation of mechanisms using different reductants to FeVIwill be presented. Finally, removal of pharmaceuticals in urine samples urine will be discussed.


Virender K. Sharma博士是德克萨斯A&M大学环境与公共健康学院的教授,担任环境与可持续项目的主任;Sharma教授在高铁酸盐的化学和环境应用领域做出了重大贡献。Sharma教授在阐明水生环境中天然纳米颗粒的稳定性和毒性方面做出了关键贡献,从而对人类和生态健康产生了影响。他的研究还包括研究环境中持久自由基和抗生素耐药细菌和基因的环境命运。Sharma教授发表300多篇SCI论文,出版了55个书的相关章节,36篇会议论文,并撰写了8本书。他获得的奖项包括:皇家化学学会的委员、佛罗里达理工学院的杰出教师、美国化学学会卓越化学家(奥兰多区)、美国化学学会的环境化学部优秀奖、EST杂志的卓越审稿人奖、中国科学院授予的国际友人奖。





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