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英国纽卡斯尔大学Jan Dolfing教授学术讲座
更新时间:2019-10-21 10:53:42点击次数:

英国纽卡斯尔大学Jan Dolfing教授学术讲座

报告题目:Thermodynamics of syntroph

Autofluorescence in methanogenic ecosystems

Anaerobic sewage treatment at low temperatures

报告 人:Jan Dolfing,英国纽卡斯尔大学,教授


时 间:10月22日下午14:00-16:00



地 点:江安校区hjc黄金城集团A201


DrJan Dolfing isa professor in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University in England, UK. He holds a PhD in Environmental Microbiology from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. His research is focused on the thermodynamic logic behind the microbial interactions in anaerobic ecosystems, with applications in wastewater treatment, methanogenic bioreactors and microbial fuel cells. Dr Dolfing has published more than 130 SCI papers, a lot of which are published on Environmental Sci & Tech, Water Research, ISME and Science.

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