1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,大型超高风电支撑结构疲劳荷载谱特性及其法兰节点损伤演化机制研究,2024-2026,主持 2.中国博士后科学基金面上资助,海上风电高强钢桩体-法兰焊接节点变幅疲劳损伤演化机制研究,2024-2025,主持 3.四川省自然科学基金青年项目,大兆瓦风电机组桁架式支撑结构变幅疲劳损伤机理及评估方法研究,2023-2024,主持 4.东方电气委托课题,风力发电机组支撑结构减重降本优化技术研究,2023-2025,主持 5.山东电建委托课题,定日镜支架抗拉拔抗倾覆测试及研究,2023-2023,主持 6.中国华能委托课题,风电场基础加固研究及知识产权合作,2023-2023,主持 7.东方电气委托课题,风力发电高柔塔架减振合作及专利技术实施许可,2022-2025,主持 8.东方电气委托课题,风电机组桁架式后机架结构强度校核,2022-2022,主持 9.中央高校基本科研项目,大型风电支撑结构一体化疲劳评估方法研究,2023-2024,主持 10.四川省重点研发计划,大兆瓦机组支撑结构体系及快速优化关键技术研究与应用,2023-2024,子课题主持 11.科技部重点研发计划,中国与阿拉伯国家联合实验室合作项目,2022-2025,项目骨干 12.国家自然科学基金面上项目,超高风电塔架结构新体系耦合优化及振震双控研究,2023-2026,主研 13.中央在川高校院所“聚源兴川”项目,新一代大型风电超高支撑结构及配套关键技术产业化,2024-2027,主研 14.德阳市“揭榜挂帅”科技计划项目,风力发电机组超高塔架研制,2021-2023,主研 |
1.Chuannan X., Kaoshan D., Yuxiao L.*, Jianze W. (2024) Optimizing dimension selection for rain flow counting in fatigue assessment of large-scale lattice wind turbine support structures: a comprehensive study and design guidance, Thin-Walled Structures, Accepted. (通讯) 2.Zhe J., Jiawei T., Kaoshan D., Chao F., Yuxiao L.* (2024) A tuned cable-inerter system for wind turbine blades vibration suppression, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 269:109030. (共同通讯) 3.Chuannan X., Kaoshan D., Yuxiao L.*, et al., (2024) Proposal and application of onshore lattice wind turbine support structure and integrated multi-scale fatigue assessment method, Engineering Structures, 302:117314 (通讯) 4.Chuannan X., Kaoshan D., Yuxiao L.*, et al., (2024) Integrated fatigue assessment method considering average stress effects of large-scale lattice wind turbine support structures, Journal of Construction Steel Research, 214:108492 (通讯) 5.戴靠山,杜航,罗宇骁* 等. (2024) 考虑低应力循环的风电结构疲劳评估模型, 太阳能学报, 录用 (通讯) 6.Kaoshan D., Hang D., Yuxiao L.*, et al., (2023) Stress Distribution Prediction of Circular Hollow Section Tubein Flexible High-Neck Flange Joints Based on the Hybrid Machine Learning Model, Materials, 16:6815 (通讯) 7.Yuxiao L., Keyi Q., Minjuan H., Renle M., Riccardo F., Seiichiro T. (2022) Fatigue performance of the slit end area of slotted CHS tube-to-gusset plate connection, Thin-Walled Structures, 173: 108920. 8.Yuxiao L., Seiichiro T.; Rui H.; et al. (2022) Parametric formulae for stress concentration factor and clamping-induced stress of butt-welded joints under fatigue test condition, Welding in The World, 66(9): 1897. 9.罗宇骁, 马人乐, 裘科一. (2022) 构架式预应力抗疲劳钢管风电塔抗疲劳设计方法, 建筑钢结构进展, 23: 73. 10.Yuxiao L., Renle M., Seiichiro T. (2020) Parametric Formulae for Elastic Stress Concentration Factor at the Weld Toe of Distorted Butt-Welded Joints, Materials, 13: 169. |