姓名: 李忠友


出生年月: 1993.07

学位: 博士

职称: 助理研究员


电子邮箱: zhongyou_li@outlook.com

通讯地址: 四川大学望江校区逸夫科技楼503/511

邮编: 610065



致力于生物力学探索,兴趣聚焦于集中参数理论建模、心血管非药物干预和急救中的生物力学研究等。截止目前,已发表论文发表期刊论文25篇以上,申报1项发明专利,包括以第一作者发表领域高水平期刊Journal of Biomechanics、Physics of Fluids、Computer  Methods and Programs in Biomedicine、Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering15篇。


2022-至今 四川大学力学系 专职博士后 生物力学

2017-2022 四川大学力学系 硕博连读 力学

2013-2017 四川大学力学系 本科 工程力学




《流体实验力学》 《流体力学》(全英文) 《粘性流体力学》








1.Li Zhongyou, Xiao Li, Fei Yan, et al. Remodeling of the cardiovascular hemodynamic environment by lower limb heat exposure: A computational fluid dynamic study. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023, 238: 107626

2.Li Zhongyou, Luo Rongguang, Jiang Wentao, et al. Efficacy analysis of balloon hemostasis technologies in parturient with placenta previa: A hemodynamic numerical and clinical retrospective study. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 051904

3.Li Zhongyou, Jiang W, Fan Haidong, et al. Reallocation of Cutaneous and Global Blood Circulation During Sauna Bathing. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022, 221: 106917

4.Wang Guanshi#, Li Zhongyou#, Chen Chong, et al. The hemodynamic effect of eccentricity in visceral branched aneurysms with multilayer stents. Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2022, 236(8): 1-10

5.Li Zhongyou, Chen Y, Zeng Xiaoxi, et al. Clinical and hemodynamic insights into the use of internal iliac artery balloon occlusion as a prophylactic technique for treating postpartum hemorrhage. Journal of Biomechanics, 2021, 129: 110827

6.Li Zhongyou, Jiang Wentao, Diao Junjie, et al. Segmentary Strategy in Modeling of Cardiovascular System with Blood Supply to Regional Skin. Biocybemetics and Biomedical Enginering, 2021, 41(4): 1505-1517

7.Li Zhongyou, Chen Chong, Chen Yu, et al. Numerical insights into the determinants of stent performance for the management of aneurysm with a visceral vessel attached. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2021, 23(2): 41-53

8.Li Zhongyou, Chen Chong, Chen Yu, et al. Optimization of Fenestrated Technique in Application to Aortic Aneurysms with an Attached Branch. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 2020, 7: 100037

9.Li Zhongyou, Jiang Wentao, Chen Yu, et al. Acute and short-term efficacy of sauna treatment on cardiovascular function: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2020, 20(2): 96-105

10.Li Zhongyou, Jiang Wentao, Yuan Ding, et al. Investigation of the hemodynamics of a juxtarenal aortic aneurysm with intervention by dual-stents strategy. Clinical Biomechanics, 2018, 58: 109-115

11.Li Zhongyou, Jiang Wentao, Stephen Salerno, et al. Acute Hemodynamic Improvement by Thermal Vasodilation inside the Abdominal and Iliac Arterial Segments of Young Sedentary Individuals, Journal of Vascular Research, 2021, 58(3): 191-206

12.Li Zhongyou, Fei Yan, Yang Jingru, et al. Hemodynamics and Oxygen Transport through Suprarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Treated with Multilayer Stent Numerical Study. Annals of Vascular Surgery, 2018, 54: 290-297

13.Xu Kairen, Jiang Wentao, Zhou Zhihong, Li Zhongyou, Bai Taoping, and Yue Huaijun. Shear Adhesion of Ice on Large-Sized Grooved Aluminum Surfaces. Langmuir, 2023, available online

13.Li Xiao, Li Zhongyou, Jiang Wentao, Wei Junru, Xu Kairen, Bai Taoping. Effect of lower extremity amputation on cardiovascular hemodynamic environment: An in vitro study. Journal of Biomechanics, 2022, 145: 111368






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